Having moved to Australia from England as a small child, Isabelle now lives in a seaside suburb of Melbourne where she teaches film making and English. She is a movie addict who spends far too much money on traveling… but then again, life is to be lived.
did you get started in writing? What made you decide to submit your first story
and what was your experience with that? Who was the first person you told when
you got your first contract? What was their reaction?
Although I wrote a lot as a child, I
didn’t really start again until I discovered real person fanfic. I scribbled
away quite happily with that for several years until someone suggested I submit
a vampire story I’d written to Dreamspinner Press. Ink was just a short story
back then, but I got the taste for it.
A Note in the Margin was my first
novel and I cannot describe how it felt when I got the acceptance email. I was
on holiday in Texas and told my good friend Bee. We happy danced and giggled
for quite a while after!
Submitting my writing is still as
terrifying as that first time, but nothing beats holding a book with your name
on the cover. I still do a happy dance!
does your inspiration come from for your books?
Inspiration is a strange animal. It
can appear when you least expect it and sometimes when you don’t want it. It
can be as simple as a passing comment or an interesting person in a coffee
shop. I’m a chronic daydreamer, always have been, so I find things play around
in my head until I realize I have to write about them!
do you make the important choices when it comes to writing your stories? Point
of View? Voice? Theme? Title?
Generally it is the muse that makes
these decisions. I get a character speaking to me and if I try to fight it, the
story just doesn’t work.
With A Note in the Margin I made a
conscious decision to have changing points of view because so much of the story
is internal. I received a lot of criticism for that writing style and some
praise, but hey, it felt right for me. Still does.
Often how I write it is just whoever
shouts the loudest in my head!
The themes are always personal.
Finding who you are, being brave and looking for someone who will accept you
and love you – even my vampires!
The titles… argh! I hate trying to
come up with titles. It’s great when they are obvious early on in the writing
stage, but that rarely happens. The Road to Byron had so many titles until I
settled on that one. I don’t have any logical process for choosing – simply
what feels like a good fit.

A bit of both. INK was the first
story I specifically based characters on real people. Abby and Scott are both
based on very much real people. I had a lot of fun with that because the body
language, catch phrases and even smiles were there for me to be used. Other
characters are often amalgamations of people I’ve known. Craig in The Road to
Byron is a mash up of every surfer teenage boy I went to school with!
David from A Note in the Margin
comes from many sources. Men I’ve known, and men I’ve seen. He is one of my
favourites because I want to help him and keep him safe.
Most like me? Oh dear, that gives
away far too much! Hmmm I said once that Matthew from Byron is very like me in
his search to be braver, but perhaps there’s a lot of me in my new character
Daniel. He’s in The Red Heart. He’s a Goth guy from Melbourne searching for a
way to make his life whole - move on to a new phase in his life. Finding and
accepting who we are is a recurrent theme for me and I guess that has to come
from somewhere! ;)
do you consider your greatest accomplishment as a writer?
Having the courage to let other
people read what I write! Simple as that! INK is perhaps the work I feel most
proud of because I finally got to write my vampires. Galen in particular
because he became much more than I originally intended – and he made me cry at
the end.
you could co-author a book with any other writer, who would it be?
That’s such a hard question! I have
so many authors I admire.
There are some who I have known for
a lot of years such as Ariel Tachna, Zahra Owens and Nicki Bennett. They would
be a joy to write with!
I’m currently writing with a new
author – it’s still in the early stages, but so far so good!
is the one book that you think that very few people have read but everyone
should read? What are you reading right now?
My absolute favourite book is LostSouls by Poppy Z Brite, but a book I loved that not many people may know is TheRaw Shark Texts by Steven Hall. Both books kept me thinking long after I closed
them. Always a good sign.
Right now I’m revisiting AmericanGods by Neil Gaiman.
do you find the most difficult part of the writing process?
Time is always a constraint. Add to
that the fact I’m a chronic self-editor. I spend far too much time puzzling
over a tiny aspect or phrase.
I have to be true to the character,
even if it means I have to change the path of the book. David in A Note in the
Margin did that to me a lot! I trashed a whole chapter once because I forced
him in a direction he wasn’t willing to go. I know I sound like a total nutter
with voices in my head, but it’s true – not the nutter part. Well maybe….
I also have the attention span of a
is a typical working day like for you? Where do you write? Do you wait for
inspiration? Do you set certain writing goals? Are there any specific tools you
use to help you write?
I work full time as a high school
teacher. Writing has to be done in stolen moments or in cafes during the
weekend. I love writing in cafes and my local has a long black coffee started
for me before I even order it. I have managed to train myself to write whenever
I get the chance, but if I’m really not in the mood, I go back and edit. That
will often generate more ideas.
I have no specific tools or plans. I
really admire those who can plot out their writing in advance. My mind just
doesn’t work that way. I may have a vague idea, but it always changes once the
characters take control.
For some reason my new novella was
the easiest thing I’ve ever written. The characters were very clear to me and,
with the help of Sisters of Mercy on my Ipod, the words came and the story
flowed. Hey! There’s a tool – music! Every book I’ve ever written has its own
is your greatest guilty pleasure (literary or otherwise)?
A good horror story. I’ve always had
a thing for dangerous non-sparkling vampires and was raised watching Hammer
Horror films. Lately I’ve been hooked on The Walking Dead.
Another guilty pleasure would have
to be Viggo Mortensen. Listen to him reciting his Spanish poetry and you’ll
know what I mean!

Right now I’m working on a new novel
based on my Snowman short story and a third book in the A Note in the Margins
series – this one is more about Jamie. You can keep track of my progress on my
website: http://www.isabellerowan.com
I have a new novella coming out
March 13 called The Red Heart. It can be bought as a stand-alone novella or
part of the Under the Southern Cross package of Australian authors. It is the
story of Daniel an ex-junkie Goth from Melbourne who travels to the outback of
Australia. He meets Sam who is returned soldier. Together they walk to the Red
Heart of Australia, Uluru.
Here is an excerpt here Daniel meets
an old stockman called Bob:
Visit Isabelle on her blog at http://isabelle-rowan.livejournal.com/.Daniel watched the men run up and down the makeshift footy ground, not totally sure who was on what side and it didn’t seem to matter. They shouted good-natured abuse, made illegal tackles, and laughed a lot.“You are a strange pair,” Bob said quietly out of the blue.“I just met him yesterday. Well, the day before, I guess,” Daniel said and turned to look at Bob.“That doesn’t mean you’re not a pair. You are like two halves of a story waiting to be told.”Daniel frowned and shook his head, even though the comment started a little tickle in his belly. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”“Okay,” Bob started. “Tell me about your pictures, the ones I see peeping out from your sleeves—and I’m guessing they’re on other parts of your body.”For some strange reason, Daniel almost tugged the fabric down over his arms to hide his tattoos. He’d never felt like that before, but it was as if Old Bob could see right through him. “I was a tattooist in Chapel Street a few years ago.”“But why do you wear them?”“I just said—”Bob cut him short with a gentle but determined voice. “That doesn’t tell me why. How about I tell you what I see?”Daniel shrugged because, although he was nervous what the old man might say, he was curious.“Armor. You wear your tattoos like a suit of armor and the metal in your face like spikes. You want to warn the world to stay away, although it’s not what you really need. Am I close?”Too fucking close, Daniel thought, but said a quiet “Maybe.”“It works, for the most part, but what about here?” Bob thumped his hand against his old chest. “Doesn’t that leave you hollow inside? Isn’t that why you’re heading for the rock?”For all the time spent in counseling, the old stockman hit the nail on the head in those few minutes. Daniel couldn’t answer and was forced to turn his gaze back to the men in the dust, arguing if a shot was a goal or a point.“Samuel is a different story.”“In what way?” Daniel asked quietly, watching the man laugh and take off with the ball.“He has a heart as big as the rock, but no armor. He lost it. No, that’s not right. Sam’s armor was blasted from him and now he feels everything just a little too much.”“Is that why he’s out here?”“That’s why you’re both out here. You have to do this journey together. Take him with you tomorrow.”“Doesn’t he have a job to do here?” Daniel said, even though the thought of Sam traveling with him filled a little of the hollow.“All jobs can wait. He’ll go with you. He likes you, and besides, you’ll need him to show you the way.”“The highway is a very straight road. I don’t think I’ll get lost.”“But you can’t go that way, Daniel. It’s walkabout time for you.”“Ah, I don’t think so,” Daniel stated and looked around at the stockman’s very serious expression.“You came for a reason, but it’s the journey, not the destination that’s important. Trust me, Daniel, walk to the rock and you’ll find what you’re looking for.”
Pre-order your copy of The Red Heart here: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3631&cPath=55_136
Or as part of the Under The Southern Cross Anthology here: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3622&cPath=55_136
Interesting interview and loved the excerpt. *waves to Isabelle from across the ditch*
ReplyDeleteLovely interview, and I can totally hear Isabelle's voice saying all those things. One of the rewards of having met her in person!