Sean Michael is here today for an interview, an excerpt, and a giveaway for Underground: Special Teams, and it's not even my birthday!
With such a high stress job, Keifer needs to give up control on his down time in order to decompress, but it’s a secret he holds close to his vest. So, when Hunter walks into his chosen place to submit, he tries to cut and run. Lucky for him, Hunter is shrewd, persistent and quite possibly just the Dom that Keifer needs.
Can these two strong men find a way to make their personal lives mesh?
Publisher: Torquere Press
Cover Artist: Kris Norris
All Romance Ebooks:
If you could be any character male or female from one of your books, who would it be and why?
Probably Rock from the Jarheads. He's just so solid in who he is and what he wants.
What has been the most useful thing you've learned that has helped you with your writing career?
Writing is a job. It might be the best job on earth, but it's still a job and that means you 'go to it' every day. Best advice I ever read (as given by Stephen King)
Is there a character in any of your books that you didn't originally plan, who sort of "forced " their way into the story?
I have one I'm currently preparing for submission where one of the character's best friend was suddenly on screen and for a little while I thought he was going to make things a threesome and that totally wasn't where things were going or meant to go. Luckily he wanted a boy of his own, so he's been promised a story of his own.
If you could write a gay version of any story or film which would you choose?
Just one? A Knight's Tale with Heath Ledger.
When you get stuck, how do you get unstuck?
Just keep writing. I'll turn to a different story if I'm stuck on one, but if I'm doing that too often, I'll make myself write on the stuck one and keep pushing through until it gives, because eventually they always do.
And if you didn't mean stuck as in stuck in writing, then water based lubricant is the obvious answer….

Often referred to as "Space Cowboy" and "Gangsta of Love" while still striving for the moniker of "Maurice," Sean Michael spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the kama sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to "Chicago."
A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.
Barring any of that? He'll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.
Author Contact:
"Do you want me to observe only this evening?"
"For a few hours at least. Jack has vouched for you, but it's important to learn us, how we work."
Hunter nodded slowly. If these people were forcing men to be subs, making them stay, abusing them, he'd be very surprised. This level of care didn't come out of a place of abuse.
"Let's go downstairs. I'll introduce you around. Ben wants to shave his boy today, head to toe, and he wants an audience."
"Even eyebrows?" That was some hard core shit. And wouldn't that surprise people who thought BDSM was all about whips and chains?
"Everything. This isn't a punishment, but Pete is having serious issues with hiding from Ben."
"Ah, Ben sounds like a very wise man." Inventive, attentive, a good master.
Hunt already liked this group. If it turned out anyone was being held here against their will, if they weren't on the up and up, he was going to be extremely disappointed.
"They're both learning, but they're getting there."
"Are they a new couple?" Hunt asked, watching Dan move around the kitchen, triple checking everything.
Jack answered him. "Yeah, Ben has been waiting for Pete for years, but the connection is new."
"I look forward to seeing them together, then. Watching their scene."
"It should be intense, emotional. Pete is a fighter."
Hunt nodded, already affected, just by the conversation.
Daniel chuckled. "Pete used to be a surgeon, and he had a breakdown. Went to work on a construction crew before he started working from home."
"Those high pressure jobs often produce subs, don't they?" The best sub Hunt had ever had was a man who ran a fortune five hundred company.
"You know it. We have a number of subs that are desperate to break, to allow someone else in."
"I enjoy a challenge." Hunt had to remind himself he was here on the job, not to find someone.
Jack grinned. "Me, I'm looking for a sweet boy, a good bottom who likes a hard fuck but isn't pushing constantly."
Daniel's laughter filled the air. "In other words, you're not looking for a boy like Keif?"
"Fuck, no. No, Keif needs an owner, not a Dom."
Hunt's eyebrow went up. "Keif?"
"One of our unattached subs," Daniel said. "He's got the need to be hard-used, broken down. No one man can handle him, no offense Jack."
"None taken."
"Is he here tonight?" Hunter asked, intrigued despite himself.
"He's with our group every night he's not on call."
"Is that a yes?" Because he hadn't heard a yes.
"He is here -- plugged, bound, gagged, and, I would imagine well-sounded by now."
Jesus Christ. A bolt of pure desire went through Hunt.
Daniel grabbed a case of water. "Come on, guys. Let's go down."
"Can I take anything?" Hunt offered.
"Can you grab the fruit bowl? I find fruit to be hydrating, erotic, and less messy than chocolate."
"You got it." These guys were pros at this hosting a BDSM party thing and Hunt found himself once again hoping they were all on the up and up. He wanted to play, not to make arrests.
Following Dan downstairs, he felt his anticipation ramping up.
Instead of a dark, club-like atmosphere, downstairs there was a room with couches and lamps, pillows. It looked totally normal, at least until he saw the cage in one corner. The massage table. The man kneeling, wearing nothing but a collar.
Hunter took everything in, eyes moving over the men in the room, cataloging them. The man in the collar had to be Pete, the slender, whip-like man looking on proudly, Ben. There were a couple of men sitting together, a few wandering. In the back, bound and ring gagged, cock stuffed was...
Wait. Wait. Hunter knew that shock of near-white hair, the icy blue eyes. He saw that face every time the SWAT team was called out. Keifer Magnessen.
Tour Dates/Tour Stops:
9/22: Amanda C. Stone, Fallen Angel Reviews
9/23: Guilty Indulgence Book Club, Cate Ashwood
9/24: Love Bytes, The Hat Party
9/25: Decadent Delights, MM Good Book Reviews
9/26: Carly’s Book Reviews, Kimi-Chan
9/29: Wake Up Your Wild Side, 3 Chicks After Dark
9/30: Up All Night, Read All Day
10/1: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Havan Fellows
10/2: Book Reviews and More by Kathy, Inked Rainbow Reads
10/3: Parker Williams, Multitasking Mommas
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